Digitale Informationsprozesse mit Microsoft Office 365 Digital dokumentieren - einfach - schnell - effektiv - sicher
Digitale Informationsprozesse mit Microsoft Office 365Digital dokumentieren - einfach - schnell - effektiv - sicher 

This is a great solution for many industries


Stand out from the crowd. Assign to your notes current pictures. Use the geolocation functionality to find out where the notes and pictures was sent from. 


Let the acquisition time display.

Simple and customizable

Determine which object is to be assigned to which group. 


Thus i-DOK is versatile and ready for use in different industries. 


Naturally, we offer our clients costomized products to fit their

compay-specific needs.

Areas of application

Anywhere True-life Documentation are needed.


Ready to use:


i-DOK App for tenants: modern reporting management for tenants


i-DOK App for citizens: modern reporting management for cities and                                               municipalities


i-DOK App for consumer: modern delivery of counter headers

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